Ice Cream Fruit Paste

Find natural refreshments with every Ice Cream scoop

PMF Ice Cream Paste; It provides a natural and intense taste for cream and milk-based ice creams and gelatos, allowing you to make ice creams and gelatos with ideal structure.

PMF's paste varieties; allow you to offer consumers a unique ice cream experience with its taste, consistency, and high quality.

Product Features

  • In addition to ice cream; It is also suitable for use in cake and pastry creams, ganache sauces, and special cookies.

  • It does not contain preservatives.

  • Thanks to their easy dissolution, they disperse homogeneously in ice cream.

  • It is suitable for cold and hot applications.


  • Chocolate

  • Caramel

  • Blueberry

  • Pomegranate

  • Sour Cherry

  • Banana

  • Raspberry

  • Kiwi

  • Pear

  • Lemon

  • Strawberry

  • Mango


  • 8.40 kg carton box (1.4 kg Jar x 6 pcs.)